Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I know what you need to work on

I'm totally lazy so here are some of my fave emails JUST FROM TODAY ONLY. Wild life, wild wild life.


From: Bla Blablabla@myschool.edu
To: manypeople@myschool.edu
Subject: In the Name of Identity

Hi all -

A copy of Amin Maalouf's "In the Name of Identity" and a couple of
papers have been sitting mysteriously in my box for weeks, if anyone
is looking for them.

Bla Blablabla


From: somekid@myschool.edu
To: me
Subject: Postpone meeting

Is there anyway to postpone the meeting until tomorrow sometime so I
can revise my draft a few more times, so I truely know what I need to
work on?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, that second e-mail is something you totally would have written two years ago--possibly still would today--admit it!!!!!!! :-)