Friday, January 25, 2008


Things are still things. I feel bad that I've been talking to some people too much and other people not at all, and I feel bad for the people who happen upon my blog in a search for hedgehog photos and find mystifying boring-ness instead. I keep promising everyone that when there's something to tell I'll tell them, but for now I'm just waiting and trying to get my reading done, take my vitamins, have good posture, etc. Here are some things that I have realized:

Illness is kind of like a wedding: the "event" itself gets overtaken by family drama and logistical mini-crises.

Things that are easy for me to say aren't always easy for other people to hear/listen to.

If you seem like a person who is calm in an emergency, other people will feel free to unburden themselves to you.

It turns out no one should talk to me about Heath Ledger.

The hospital is never going to have any other kind of soup besides potato leek.

Friday, January 11, 2008

No pressure

This week has been all about figuring out how to deal with a major situation without going nuts or feeling guilty later. From Preston Sturges I learned that simple entertainments are better than shopping, or something.

I really enjoyed watching this. Who knew that Ellen changed her set? (Debbie, I have just two words for you: Coffee Bean. Wait, three more: In Studio City. The dream is still alive.)

This one is really good too. Nathan sent it to me! Good eye.

Sometimes you can find exactly what you're looking for. On youtube!

I think that's everything for right now. Oh, I guess I'm trying to decide what color to paint my room, but that's a whole other story.