Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Things to do in New York when you wish you were in Miami

I saw Atonement yesterday and it was good. Keira Knightley, she sure is a shiner. A real shiner. And that Dunkirk Beach long tracking shot scene? Pretty nice, pretty pretty nice. Whoa.

Here is what else I am looking forward to this weekend:
  • The Golden Compass !!!
  • Bread & Puppet Circus's The Divine Reality Comedy
  • Latkes with my parents
  • Juno
  • Sleeping in my new apartment
  • Maybe Margot at the Wedding -- everyone seems to hate it but I bet I will "relate"
  • More snow

In other news, I am super creeped-out by the trailers for Awake, and I don't understand how the same Chia Pet commercials that have been airing every Christmas since Newmark & Lewis and Nobody Beats the Wiz and D'Agostino's had the best jingles on TV (AKA in 1987) could still exist. Someone should just leave the master tape in the back of a cab!


Debbie Ribera said...

Wow! You are going to spend the weekend in the movie theater! I watched the best movie ever last night...Center Stage! Jodie Sawyer, everyone! Anyways, yeah, all the 90210s are gone because I figured I could get them all on DVD. But I watched 2 on Soap Net this morning. Check my blog for the review. I miss you! Hope your new apartment is fab.

Anonymous said...

okay when do we get to hang out in brooklyn?! end the fun moratorium today!