Saturday, September 15, 2007

Crosstown report

  1. Vommed in my mouth just a little at the popcorn smell from the Loews on 11th Street!
  2. How come dudes think it's a good idea to talk to me if I'm listening to my ipod and reading on the subway? Awkward!
  3. How come dudes think I can hear them talking to me when I'm listening to My Chemical Romance on my ipod walking up Broadway? Brutal!
  4. Should I get a backpack? My shoulder hurts already. No joke!
  5. Some people don't know how to ride on elevators. Yikes!

To summarize, no one knows how to live their lives anymore.


Anonymous said...

My Chemical Romance?????? Zoe! I am ashamed!

zoe said...

Who wrote that??? Your anonymousness suggests to me that it's YOUR love of MCR that you're ashamed of, not mine.