Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The big questions

I'm eating and apple and it tastes like vanilla! Does this mean I have brain damage, or could it just be a vanilla-y apple?

I'm at school, and there's a guy at the table next to mine who keeps grunting -- like, I guess he has some kind of grunting tic? Tourettes? I know this is rude but the grunting is really distracting. It's like a little "mmh! mmh!" grunt. And then after every few grunts he coughs.

He totally sat down at that table after I was already there, too.

OMG, I'm a terrible person, right?

1 comment:

Olivia said...

OMG, Zoe. Your blog saved me from buying bad food today. Plus it made me laugh. Zoe likes pets is Both entertaining and practical.