Here are some boring things that happened this week, not in the order that they happened:
1. I tried to pick classes. First I thought I was going to take a television writing class, an art history class, and an anthropology class, but now I think I'm taking a history class ("The Voice of the Witness: Testimony in Literature, History and Law") and a film class ("The Documentary Tradition"). Only two classes! That's so crazy. But not lazy -- I have lots of other things to do, ok?
2. While I was picking classes I went to one called "Latina Feminist Theory" (I had reasons) and then met with the professor afterwards. It started out okay, but then I said "reality" and the professor was like "whoa, 'reality'? Don't you know that 'reality' is always mediated?" Then she drew a picture of a frame on the notepad on her desk. I was so annoyed! I wanted to be like, "I said '"reality,"' not 'reality.'" Actually, I think I did say that, but she was on a roll. After I met with her I tried to get past my annoyance for a whole day! But finally I just gave in to the fact that I hate her now for doing that.
3. I totally haven't left my neighb. since Monday! Not even to go to the gym. Sick! Next week, it's ON, every night -- that means gym plus booze. Seriously.
4. In related news, I've decided that I'm moving in December or January. Seriously. My apartment is too expensive to be worth it, and I don't like living up by school anyway. I want to be free! And, even though I hate all that New York has become in general, I don't think that means I have to be constantly bummed out about living here. So, this is a record of my decision. Here it is, decided by me now. Amen.
5. My new students are cute and they seem smart. I always say that. Actually, they don't seem that smart, but they seem street-smart, and I don't think any of them are going to try to cross me. We'll see, though. I've decided to be totally low-stress about this semester. Under "policies" on my syllabus it just says "Don't cross me, and everything's cool. No big deal."