Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pamplemousse au lieu de citron

I have met the best ever Frenches and I will be sorry to leave! When I get home I promise to do an update with real photos, but in the meantime I will tell you what the French have made me less embarrassed to love:

les sandwiches
How I Met Your Mother
celery root
Aunt Becky from Sept a la Maison (Full House!!!)
Entourage, esp. Ari Gold (even though it is no use trying to explain to the French who Rahm Emmanuel is)
'Hos in Different Area-codes,' which plays constantly


Annie said...

You were embarrassed to love HIMYM at one point? For shame!

zoe said...

No! I was never embarrassed. I'm just more proud now. Like how all the characters felt at the end of "Milk."