Sunday, January 18, 2009

Your cultural liaison

Watching "Notorious" was kind of like watching the new 90210: the whole thing is awesome, but the most exciting parts are when someone I know is mentioned by name (David Silver, Clive Davis) or shows up on-screen, wearing a nametag (Kimberly Jones!) from their job in a department store.

Okay, maybe the new 90210 isn't "awesome." But aren't you a little worried about Adrianna?

I was annoyed when I got home because my downstairs neighbors were having a party, and I am so sleepy that I even thought about going downstairs in my pajamas and asking them to keep it down, even though I'm opposed to that on principle. But they totally killed it themselves about 10 minutes ago with some acoustic guitar harmonies. Wait, now someone is on their balcony talking about Marc Ruffalo. God bless America!

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