Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where's Jill Zarin?

"In our Western tradition, the exemplary case of a traumatic Real is the Jewish Law. In the Jewish tradition, the divine Mosaic Law is experienced as something externally imposed, contingent, and traumatic--in short, as an impossible/real Thing that "makes the law." What is arguably the ultimate scene of religious-ideological interpellation--the pronouncement of the Decalogue on Mount Sinai--is the very opposite of something that emerges "organically" as the outcome of the path of self-knowing and self-realization. The Judeo-Christian tradition is thus to be strictly opposed to the New Age gnostic problematic of self-realization or self-fulfillment: when the Old Testament enjoins you to love and respect your neighbor, this does not refer to your imaginary semblable/double, but to the neighbor qua traumatic Thing."
-Slavoj Zizek

Highlight for me: the Lubavichers chanting "What do we want? Moshiach!" and then realizing it would be totally controversial to say "When do we want it? Now!"

From Alternet.

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