Saturday, August 30, 2008

Seven weeks of staying up all night (summer 1)

Here's all the old news from the summer:

Abi got married! The ceremony was mystical and cute at the same time.

Nora, Pat and I drove to Prince Edward Island for Karen's wedding. Here's Nora in the loneliest McCafe WiFi Hotspot in North America.

Pat is telling his friend that we haven't gotten to Bangor yet, but we're still going to Bangor.

This is the bridge from New Brunswick (Canada, not NJ) to Prince Edward Island. $40 Canadian toll -- that's like $100 US!

They call it The Gentle Island. More like the Gentile Island! Just kidding. It was gentle and magical.

Everyone was camping on the beach except me and Delia. When we finally got there it was dark, and the campsite was a mixture of people trying to sleep (everyone) and people who think they're tailgating outside an R.E.M. concert (us).

The wedding was at Kirby's family's house, literally right on the ocean. My pictures don't really do the location justice! But I don't know if it matters, because is there anyone reading this blog who either (a) wasn't at the wedding or (b) has never been to a house right on the beach? I know that sounds like a controversial question, but I am almost sure that the answer is "no."



When we were driving home, Nora said, "I've heard this is the most robbed McDonalds in the U.S.!" Pat said, "does the Hamburgler live nearby?"

Then, it was time for me to go. Not to sound conceited, but people felt sad, like Francey.

And Eddie. Actually, I did not take this picture. It mysteriously appeared on my camera.

And then I was gone!

As I previously mentioned, I went to London Fields and hung out with this dog eating a beer can.

Buildings that look like owls in East London.

The edge of either England or France.

Spain started to look suspiciously like Southern California as the plane got closer to Madrid.

... And here, my troubles began.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Let's talk facts

I have so much to tell you, such news!

But until I have some naps and some weekend:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blowing kisses in the wind

Liza: this is the best dinner ever. for two dollars and seventy-five cents i got two meals' worth of hot and sour soup plus a spring roll. i love china!!!!
me: what the...
i think my customer service analyst Kathrine started this blog.

Liza: it's THREE BLOGS

me: i was talking about the sprouse twins blog

Liza: yeah but

me: oh wait WHAT

Liza: did you see all three links

me: i am dying.

Liza: i mean how many of them do you think there are out there!!!!!

me: that is a fine question.

Being on another continent means that when I have to wake up early for work, someone in Los Angeles is at a Dolly Parton concert or someone in New York is just getting home. I am really glad that I am on the same planet with you guys! For real.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I will be on your side today

Analyst Kathrine is here. Status: working
End Session
user Zoe has entered room
analyst Kathrine has entered room

Thank you for choosing TWC Live Chat. I will be your analyst today, how may I be of assistance?

Hi, thank you. I have a billing question.

I'll be more than happy to assist you with that. Can you please provide the phone number, name, address (including apartment number) of the account you would like addressed?

Sure. The phone number is XXX-xxx-xxxx, the name is Zoe Xxxxxx, and the address is XXX _____ St. #XX.

Thank you for that information, who am I speaking with?

This is Zoe Xxxxxx.

Mr. Xxxxxx, for security reasons, I would need the account number.


I have the account open now. You mentioned you have a billing question?

The question I have is, I paid my bill online this month because I've been out of town, and the friend who is housesitting for me just emailed to let me know that my service was disconnected.

I re-checked my records of the online payment transaction, and I discovered that the payment got credited to my OLD TWC account.

I moved on June 1st, and it looks like the old account is still linked to my online account.

The account number & address you gave me matched the one on our database. Are you located at a different address now?

No. The old account number is slightly different -- it's XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOO

Can you provide me with the old address too?

Sure. The old address is YYY W. Yth St., Apt. YY

The acct# ending with XXXX is linked to Xxxxxx St address.

Yes, that's correct.

The order was processed for the account transfer but was never completed. I will take care of that right now. I will also adjust the date so it will be disconnected on the same date you got your services installed at the new location. Everything else will be transferred automatically to the new account.


I will restore the service today too for Xxxxxx St.

Thank you!


Service already restored for Xxxxxx St account. It might take about 5 more minutes for everything to come back on. I already completed the move-transfer account from Yth St. address.

Okay, that sounds fine. Thank you!

Everything is taken care of Mr. Xxxxxx. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

No, thank you, you've been very helpful. Is there a confirmation number for these changes?

No confirmation number since no order was opened by me although I have noted your account regarding the transactions for their reference.

You can just tell the representative for future reference that you have spoken to me at this time. I have saved all the information there already.

Great, thank you!

Have a good evening. Again, you've been very helpful. What a relief to have this taken care of.

Do you also want to try the movie channel TMC on your account? We have it free for 1 month as a promotion right now.

No, thank you. Not at this time.

Not a problem.

Thank you for choosing TWC Live Chat. I'm glad that I was able to assist you today with your concern(s). Enjoy the rest of your day.

You too. Goodbye.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I got you this

Olivia has to go soon but luckily little Stephanie is staying. Last night we went to a disco that looked like the inside of the Ukrainian National Home. People in Madrid have a lot of energy for going out and staying out late, but nightlife here is very innocent and cheerful.

Spanish phrases I know:
Something like that
Take it from behind
Can I have a transfer
Whiskey and ginger ale

T-shirt update:
Harry, Sally and Me
How am I supposed to know what's right?

I sure am going to miss being on the same continent as Olivia! Can you guys believe it's already August 3rd?