Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm doing this for us

Sometimes I think there is nothing left to look forward to in this world, but then the world surprises me!

Is it weird that I never knew this existed? Did you know? Does watching this make you like Brad Renfro better?

Trilogy flavor

I always get really excited about LADIES NIGHT, maybe because on television, people are always having ladies nights and getting upset because someone didn't come or someone didn't invite them or someone brought a dude.

So, I was really excited that I got invited to go with some girls from my school to see that "Sex and the City" movie. And then I realized I never actually saw the last episode of Sex and the City! Can you believe it? So, I watched it. It was pretty good. Now I'm less confused when I see the trailers for the movie.

But the point of this post is, how sad was it when those French bookstore workers made a party for Carrie and she never came!?! HOW SAD WAS IT.

But also, do you wish someone would make you a party? I love having parties for myself, but why don't we have parties for our friends who are visiting from other places more often? If you want me to, and if you promise you won't go to see a LIGHT INSTALLATION instead, I will make a party for you.

Anyways, I'm getting pretty excited about my summer. Here's what I'm doing:
  • Taking French classes
  • Drinking lemonade and kombucha
  • Going to Toronto, Prince Edward Island, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, and somewhere else TBA
  • Watching Abi, Karen and then Buffy get married
  • Something involving Debbie
  • Making a party for you!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I have some karaoke ideas:

Okay, no I don't.